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What we don't do

We promise when you come to Fulbright Neuropsychology you won't find any lab coats, wires, or electrodes, just a friendly team of licensed professionals who want to help.

Neuropsychological Evaluation

Four Essential Phases:


1: Clinical Interview: 

Dr. Fulbright or Dr. Rosvall will take a detailed history of the problem that brought you to us, its course over time, and how it's affecting you now. We also obtain a detailed history of your developmental, family, school, work, and medical history. 


What should I bring? 


-Completed New Patient Packet

-Medical Records relating to your diagnosis

-Picture ID and Insurance Cards

-Hearing Aids/Eyeglasses

-Snacks and/or lunch for your breaks

-Wear comfortable clothing, bring a sweater





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2: Test Administration:

  • The standardized tests will be given by a skilled and friendly clinician face-to-face.

  • Some tests will be verbal, others pencil and paper, and some will be on the computer.

  • Testing will take approximately 4-6 hours with intermittent breaks as needed. 

  • The testing is interactive to allow an objective measure and compare  your abilities with others in your age range.

  • The testing does NOT require prior studying

  • The testing does not include wires, needles,or any invasive measures

  • You CANNOT fail, but we ask you perform your best on all tests to provide accurate results.


3: Scoring and Report Writing:  

These tests measure verbal knowledge, attention, processing speed, short-term memory, problem solving skills, language and academic skills, visual-spatial skills, and sensory and motor functioning.  Our goal is to educate you, your family, and your referring physician about the integrity of  your cognitive functions, provide clarification of a diagnosis, and present treatment recommendations. 


4: Feedback Session: 

The results of the evaluation will be addressed at a separate appointment with the psychologist. At this visit you will discuss the findings and be provided with helpful recommendations and informational resources to determine the best strategy for moving forward.​

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